Friday, September 18, 2009

Group Problem

Hi Grade 6s,

You will be solving a problem in your math groups next week. You should post your thoughts, ideas, and challenges on the blog so you are sharing with your group.

Each group will be answering the same question. On Monday, we will be solving the problem in class. I hope that the discussion we have here on the blog will help you come up with your solutions on Monday.

So, without further ado, here is your problem:

The famous Lewis School of Mathematics is building a new section as more families move into the fabulous city of Lewistown. The following numbers of families have moved into Lewistown over the past 4 years: 3 more families than the first year, then 8 more families the following year, then 13 more families the next year, and 18 more families the past year. If this pattern continues, in how many more years will a total of 43 families have moved into town?

Group 1 should post their comments here.

Group 2 should post their comments here.

Group 3 should post their comments here.

Group 4 should post their comments here.

Group 5 should post their comments here.

Good luck!

-Ms. Lewis.

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